Lincoln Derek Peterson was born at 6:20 am on April 23. What a long night! I had Derek and my mom stay with me in the room during the delivery. It was such a cool experience to have my mom with us to share such an exciting time (plus she was a ton of help...feeding me ice chips and holding the oxygen mask). Thanks Mom! The Lincolnator weighed in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 20 1/2 in. long...not a very small first baby. When he came out he gave a little yell and then just lay there wide-eyed, checking out his new surroundings. I will never forget the joy I felt to see my healthy, beautiful little baby. I would give anything to go back to that first moment as he lay on my belly, staring up at Derek and I. We were the proudest, most happy parents ever! I lost quite a bit of blood during the delivery so our Dr. wanted us to stay an extra day in the hospital. It was actually kind of nice to have that added rest and help before we headed home with our little bundle. We enjoyed having so many friends and family come to visit us (and to eat with Derek in the delicious hospital cafe)! Lincoln was a little jaundice so he had to spend an entire day in a bed with lights. Luckily he was able to stay in the room with us. We cherished the few times we were able to take him out! Oh, another crazy thing...Linc was tongue-tied when he was born, meaning he had this little piece of skin connecting the front of his tongue to the bottom of his mouth. This made it hard, well impossible, for him to suck. In fact, he would just chomp instead! On Saturday morning he went in and had is tongue clipped before we headed home. He was so brave during the little procedure and has been a champion eater ever since! We loved the experience we had and the memories we made as we brought a precious baby into the world. We love him more than anything!
Our new little family.
Grandma and Grandpa B were some of our first visitors. We love spending time with them!
I spent a lot of time just examining Lincoln's cute little body. Everything is just so tiny!
We couldn't get enough of all the dark hair. Derek insisted we do it in a fauxhawk like his!
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