Lincoln has been for his 2 month and 4 month Dr. appointments already. He is growing so fast! At his 2 month appointment he weighed 11 lbs 7 oz. His height, weight, and head wear all in the 50th percentile...just an average Joe! Lincoln did well with his first shots. He cried, but I was able to feed him right away and calm him down. We watched him close for the next 48 hours and he did really well recovering. Derek and I had a hard time watching him go through that so Derek felt the need to get Lincoln a sticker to wear that day. It said, "You think you're tough, I'm the toughtest...I got a shot!" So cute!
Sporting the sticker that Derek got for him. He doesn't look like the happiest camper!
This is what the Dr. said about Lincoln at 4 months:
Weight: 15 lbs 8 0z...60th percentile
Height: 26 in...88th percentile
And I can't remember his head, but it was still in the 50th percentile. The funny thing about the whole thing is that he is considered "tall and skinny" because of the difference in his height and weight, but most would beg to differ. Lincoln's second round of shots was a bit tougher on him. He would only sleep if I held him, and even then it was just off and on. We decided to have a kick-back day after that rough night. I wanted to find Lincoln some comfy clothes to relax in. This is what we came up with:
A friend of mine gave him these baby so cute huh?!
He was so mellow and cuddly all day!
We're so happy to have a happy, healthy baby. He is getting more of a fun little personality each day!
ha i love the scrubs! He looks like a miniture mcdreamy... so cute!
Cute pictures! I can't believe he is almost 5 months!
HA! Love the scrubs! I've never seen those before.
Poor lil Linc getting his shots.... we need to play soon. It has been too long!
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