Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm Having a Baby!

I went in to labor on April 22 at about 1:15 pm. I had just been to a Dr. appt earlier that day and had come home to get the rest of the baby's room set up. My mom came over to help and we decided to go grab some lunch at Pei Wei and then hit Babies R Us to grab a crib matress and burp cloths...the last two things I needed to feel ready! Halfway through our dining experience I had a super hard contraction. Then 9 minutes later another one came. Not close enough! But the next one came 7 minutes later, then 5, then 3, and then they came 2 minutes apart! I insisted on heading over to Babies R Us (my mom wasn't thrilled) so I could feel fully prepared. By the time we left the store I could barely walk and I gave Derek a call to tell him to meet us over at IMC (the new hospital in Murray). We made it to the hospital...barely. Kidding. I was in labor for a whopping 17 hours. I took the epidural route so I could relax until the baby came. That wasn't happening either. I was sick through the entire labor (don't have Pei Wei if you think you might go into labor soon), and it took them 5 hours to find a Dr. who could stop in to break my water! Luckily I have great family who came to the hospital to hang out...but, unfortunately they had a sleepless night out in the waiting room. Finally at 5:15 am Dr. Peterson showed up to get that baby comin'!


Merrells said...

Yeah! I'm so excited to see a post. You have to keep it up!

Courtney said...

YAY!!!!!!! I check your blog everyday to see if just maybe you started posting and you did!!!! I was so excited. Watch now you will be addicted. Blogging is so fun. Keep them and the pictures coming! By the way, we need to hang out again!